Dress Code

The school believes that the manner of dress should reflect the context of the educational environment and that students should dress with that context in mind. We realize the importance and viability of dress as a form of self-expression and personal identity. At the same time, we are committed to respecting the individuality of each student; However, we also recognize that certain aspects of style and dress can distract from the educational goals and expectations in a school setting. Student dress should be informal and comfortable, but it's crucial to remember that all casual attire may not be suitable within an educational setting. We offer this statement to underline the importance of the dress code in maintaining a conducive learning environment at Alfred E. Smith HS, a place that respects its educational goals and the personal integrity of the individuals it serves. 

Alfred E. Smith Dress Code: All students must wear a school uniform collared shirt or Smith apparel top.  Students must wear solid-colored pants (black, navy blue, and beige) Black jeans or plain black sweats are acceptable.  Students MAY wear sneakers/boots (preferably black) Students should look presentable (i.e., tuck in shirts, shirts at waist length, shirt buttoned.) do not wear t-shirts that hang out of shirt  Apart from gym, students are NOT to wear clothes that violate the dress code at any time during the day (including lunch)  Head covering (Hats and Durags) is NOT permitted in school.  Students may NOT wear distressed jeans, blue jeans, faded jeans, or any other color. Students may NOT wear jean shirts or jean skirts.  Pants may NOT have large logos, pictures, or camouflage.  Smith "hoodies" may be worn in class over approved dress code clothing.  Non-school-issued "hoodies" and jackets may NOT be worn in class.  Students may NOT wear t-shirts, sweatshirts, or sports clothing without the Smith logo.  Students may NOT wear their clothes as an outer layer and take them off during school.  Jeans are NOT to be worn under dress pants.  Sagging is prohibited. Students should not reveal their underwear in school.  We are a Career and Technical High School that utilizes heavy tools and equipment in our shop classes.  Therefore, open-toe (slippers), Crocs and heels are prohibited in the school.